I just closed my December 3rd Give-Away day
post to comments a few hours after the promised time of 8pm Finnish time with 292 comments! Holy cow! I can't believe how many comments this
Sew, Mama, Sew event inspired, not only on my blog, but around the blogosphere! One thing I noticed that was strange, though, is that several comments didn't show up in my inbox. Did this happen to anyone else?
I'm going to wait until the morning to wade through all the comments, but one thing I noticed was that the most common favorite color mentioned was green. If you ask me my favorite color, I'll say I don't have one. If you push me, or if you've visited my living room, I'd have to say green. It's been a theme lately. (No favoritism to the green-lovers in the drawing, though!)
Here are the two minis I made for the
6-12" swap in October:

The one with the buttons will be my inspiration for the give-away quilt I hope to make in the next day or two. The second was for the 'out of the box' category for non-rectangular minis.
Speaking of green, here's the simple hat (a k3p3 rib) I recently finished for my brother as an early Christmas gift. I had to rip out the whole thing and start again with fewer stitches cast-on during my 36 hour
odyssey from Köln to Vaasa last week and by the time the ripping happened, I'd met up with a friend at Arlanda and we were so tired and giddy that the yarn started talking to us and he gave the project its name: the Feed-Me-Seymour hat. I hope it doesn't get hungry and eat my brother. (The yarn is Phildar Giboulées, chosen by my brother and purchased last month in Paris.) Along with the hat, you can see my all-time favorite book, which just happens to have a holiday theme. The English title is Of Course Polly Can Do Almost Everything. I love the
Ilon Wikland illustrations.

And sticking with the green theme, here's a sneak peek at my quilt for the
Doll Quilt 5 swap - on its way Saturday (a few days late, but I hope the recipient will be understanding) to a European destination. This quilt also includes red, yellow, and brown - it's not easy being green all the time!