When I posted a few weeks ago I had a sneaky suspicion that it might be a while until I posted again. The holidays were nice and peaceful and snowy, but my whole family ended up coming down with the flu, so we didn't get out to do much! Plus I got a new camera for Christmas and it's taken me some time to get around to figuring out how it works and installing the new software on my computer, but I'm excited to start playing with it now!

I participated in
Barbara's angel swap and Barbara sent the most amazing angel to me - she's filled with sand at the bottom and stands up so nicely! She took good care of us all while we were under the weather. Right now she's taking care of my straw goat under the tree - he seems to have come down with the flu, too! I've decided I'm never going to take the tree down - it's so beautiful!!

I haven't done any sewing to speak of, but I did receive some great decorator weight fabric, lots of thread, buttons, rickrack, etc., so stay tuned! There has been quite a bit of knitting while lying around on the couch watching movies - mostly not-quite-finished-yet holiday and birthday gifts for this year. Here are a few photos of the ones that are for folks who don't read my blog (more information on Ravelry, if you're interested).