Ok, Friday I promised to get back to my quilting life over the weekend.... I did clean up the quilt room and I was actually crafty today!!! As of result of this craftiness, though, I'm not going to post a photo of the cleaned up room, as it is now a disaster once again! I hadn't even plugged my machine back into the wall after my holiday travels until today! Today I helped a friend (
Olivia's other mother) create a big brother for
Click. Pick will soon be on his way to his new home in Germany. While helping, I got started on two sets of gift
coasters - hopefully I'll be able to finish them soon....
Thanks to everyone who left nice notes on Friday's post - I will get back into my Hedgeghog email soon, too. (I liked Jenni's comment about hedgehogs hibernating - Aparently, this hedgehog needed to hibernate for about six weeks.)
Here's one photo from my holiday travels (better late than never!) - December 26th found me in Riga, Latvia.