Sunday, January 31, 2010

Back with My Foot on the Pedal

The lame ankle wasn't so good for sewing on the machine (or cutting or ironing for that matter), but I finally got back to work on the white/red/pink liberated quilt this weekend. I decided to piece the back, using a technique that I found on another blog ages ago (I can't seem to find the link, can someone help me out?). I love the way it turned out, but even though it looks like I threw it together, piecing the back really meant putting in the time to make two fronts! I can definitely imagine making some more tops this way in the future. The scrap bins overfloweth. I've decided that pin-basting on the floor is my least favorite part of the whole quilt-making process, but at least it forced me to vacuum today. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the quilting, so hopefully there'll be some finished photos by the end of the week!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Warning: Quilt Content

I think I've lost many of my readers over the past few months, but I finally spent some serious time cleaning up my quilting room this weekend now that the two tables are back in there after using them as a huge dining table for the holidays and now that my ankle is on the mend. One task in the quilting room was getting all the yarn stashed away - out of sight, out of mind, maybe? I started this quilt project in September and hope to have it done for a friend's birthday by the end of the month! Next step? Vacuuming the floor so I can pin-baste it! The quilt is really 6x6 (please excuse the poor dark indoor photo) and was made completely with scraps and thrifted textiles. The centers are fussy-cut from a pillowcase. If I were to do it again, I'd probably pay more attention to value, but all-in-all I'm pretty happy with the results so far. I think I'm going to improvise some sort of heart-meander to quilt it with white thread. First I need to figure out what I intended to use as a back, though!

Since all the red/pink/white scraps are still out, I think I'll make up a few L-O-V-E blocks for Clare before Valentine's Day, too! (More information about that effort here.)

Tearing two ligaments in my ankle (on the slippery street outside my house, nothing glamorous, just embarrassing) soon after returning to Vaasa from Maine gave me some time for knitting. In addition to three(!) pairs of mittens (more info on the 10 in 2o10 mitten blog and on Ravelry, I managed to knit a shawl for myself, as well! The shawl reminds me a little of the zigzag quilt I made last spring. That triangle-free zigzag pattern was a great one - you can check it out here, if you haven't already!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mitten Blog

Don't worry, I haven't given up quilting, and I'm not going to stop blogging here!

I have been in a big knitting phase lately, though, and find that the small projects are easier to pick up and put down during the busiest parts of the semester. The quilting is best when I have a whole weekend - or a whole summer week! This said, I've just started a mitten knitting blog with some friends. You may remember the 9 in 2oo9 sock challenge with by neighbor... Well, we've expanded the idea and are aiming for 10 pairs of mittens in 2o10! Here's a link to the blog if you'd like to check it out and two pairs I've already started:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mycket Tyg!

Tonight we had the first meeting of Lappvärk for 2010. I brought some of my fabric haul from Marden's in Maine with me, making me a very popular member of the group! I can't wait to see what everyone does with it, especially the big bright flowers!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


I received a lot of creative and creativity-feeding gifts over the holidays and thought I'd post some of the most photogenic items here.

First off, the talent! Mittens from a friend in Vaasa, socks from my neighbor (my partner in the 9 in 2oo9 sock project!), and socks from my mom. They're all so different and lovely! The card my neighbor made was fantastic, as well!

Here are a few other favorite gifts from a friend who was in Kenya for work. The pillowcases and luggage tag are both from Kenya Kanga and the bag and pincushion are from Amani Africa. I also received wooden knitting needles from India and knitting needle holders from Vietnam from another friend. Can't wait to start a shawl/poncho thing with these needles!

Last, but not least, a yarn holder from a friend's father! This is just perfect for Novita Nalle and Seven Brothers yarns!

I'm so thankful for all my gifts - especially for the handmade ones and the ones that help to inspire my crafty creativity!

Monday, January 04, 2010

Holiday Round-up

Once again, I've been remiss in blogging. Well, it's a new year! (And I have a much-needed new computer!) I thought I'd start with a holiday round-up of gifts given (and received in an upcoming post). Admittedly, they were mostly knitted, but I'll start here with the quilted content. You've all seen it before, but my mom is now the proud owner of Leafy Rosy!

My brother received this scarf, made with anti-bacterial (!?) yarn purchased in Munich last summer, and my mom is still waiting for the finishing touches to be put on her Danish shawl (more on that in another post), and the cat received this catnip-filled mouse!

Everyone else received socks. Remember these? They (at least my half of them) found their way to New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Finland, Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maine!