Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Pillows

I haven't been doing much quilting lately, but my sewing machine has gotten some attention. In addition to sewing together sheets, curtains, and coffee bags (to make rugs and baskets), I sewed these three pillows for the living room with Kaffe Fassett fabric I bought in Portsmouth, NH over the holidays. They are simple 50cm squares, but do have French seams and zippers. Now I just need to get around to recovering the couch...

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Colorful Weekend

Despite some very grey and windy weather (and a little snow), I had a colorful weekend! I met with two friends to have an indoor knitnic (we started the tradition last summer). The 48 squares for the first of our three collaborative afghans are finished and ready to be crocheted together! You can read more about our projects here.

I also spent some time on two weaving projects, cutting up these old sheets and curtains to become a rug and tying the fringe on an earlier project. I'm trying to keep busy while waiting for my next turn on a loom.

I'm also taking a class to learn to weave baskets out of recycled materials. We've used newspaper, wallpaper, magazines, and fabric so far. A couple years ago, reusing coffee bags was very trendy here, and I've finally pulled mine out to wash, cut, and sew, in hopes of weaving a couple of baskets out of them. The prep work is taking much longer than expected, though! (My feline visitor is also back - and caught the mouse that had been plaguing my apartment. Good boy!)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Finnish Summer

I made this quilt last summer, but just gave it away as a birthday gift last month, so I wasn't able to post a photo here until now! I did post a photo of the back at one point, though. It's 72"x84" (intended to be a wide twin), made up of 2" squares. I used Bonnie's instructions for a Scrappy Trips Around the World, and the colors were inspired by the colors of a Finnish summer: blue water and sky, green grass and trees, yellow and orange sunshine and grains in the fields.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Little Sewing

I'm sad to see that blogging has not only moved to the back burner, but seems not to be anywhere near the stove in my life at the moment. I haven't been quilting too much, but did a lot of sewing (aprons, boxers, etc.) for the holidays, and have been concentrating on other hobbies of late. I am still totally smitten with the weaving course I started in September, as well as keeping up with knitting/crocheting projects (including this updated challenge with friends). I'm also taking a course about weaving baskets from recycled materials. I will try to post about some of these pursuits in the near future, but in the meantime, here are a few quilting photos!

The photo above is for my quilting group here in Vaasa. We are called Lappvärk, and we were founded in 2006. For the upcoming annual Finn Quilt Days here in Vaasa in late March, we worked together to create a quilt comprised of this "header" (made by yours truly using Tonya's letters) and 15 20cmx20cm squares that will hang underneath. It was designed with the hopes that we can add future members' squares over time. I also contributed the squares below, a birch tree for Finland (inspired by Syko) and a pine tree for Maine. Maybe you can see the little hedgehog button!