I'm sad to see that blogging has not only moved to the back burner, but seems not to be anywhere near the stove in my life at the moment. I haven't been quilting too much, but did a lot of sewing (aprons, boxers, etc.) for the holidays, and have been concentrating on other hobbies of late. I am still totally smitten with the weaving course I started in September, as well as keeping up with knitting/crocheting projects (including
this updated challenge with friends). I'm also taking a course about weaving baskets from recycled materials. I will try to post about some of these pursuits in the near future, but in the meantime, here are a few quilting photos!
The photo above is for my quilting group here in Vaasa. We are called Lappvärk, and we were founded in 2006. For the upcoming annual
Finn Quilt Days here in Vaasa in late March, we worked together to create a quilt comprised of this "header" (made by yours truly using
Tonya's letters) and 15 20cmx20cm squares that will hang underneath. It was designed with the hopes that we can add future members' squares over time. I also contributed the squares below, a birch tree for Finland (inspired by
Syko) and a pine tree for Maine. Maybe you can see the little hedgehog button!