Monday, March 24, 2008

The Third Bag

Here's the third bag I've been working on. It's a 10th birthday gift for my favorite neighbor (ok, her mom is actually my favorite neighbor, but she's my second favorite!). The lining is some repro 30s dog fabric - she's getting a puppy for her birthday! The thing hanging off the handles is a reflector - most people here have them on their coats or bags - very important for the long dark winter. (Winter is still going strong - lots of people out on the ice today - but at least it's no longer so dark!)

And here's another peek at my Spring Four Seasons Swap quilt.


Diana said...

I love how this turned out. I bet your little neighbor will, too.

dot said...

This is a nice bag. That pink is very very bright. Your neighbor will like this gift.

dutchcomfort said...

Such a great girly bag, your little neighbour will be very happy to receive this sweet gift.

Anonymous said...

Very cute bag! You might be setting a bad precedent--everyone will want one now.

Deborah Levy said...

What a cute bag...and with south florida colors!

And the mystery of the quilt...will look forward to see how that is.

Reenie said...

What a lovely bag with beautiful colours. But the most interesting thing about your post was that I learnt something new.. being from Australia, and having only been to the snow twice in my life (yep, we have to make a special trip up to the mountains in winter to see snow here), I was intrigued by the reflector you've added to the bag. What a great idea, and something I'd never heard of before..

Anonymous said...

Yes, the little girl is so in love with her gorgeous little bag! Thank you, lovely neighbour!
(The mum just might borrow the daughter´s bag...)


Luísa Silva said...

So lovely your bag!!! I like very much the pink pocket inside it.

Kate North said...

You are being so productive - wow!

Chookyblue...... said...

nice bag........

Unknown said...

I am sure she will love it.