Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Flower Pots

A quick pause from the Pinky Fairy Rosy updates (although it looks very good for an on-time finish tomorrow) to share the progress on my Doll Quilt III Swap quilt. I was inspired by Mary Lou Weidman's It's a Riot pattern in the April 2008 issue of American Patchwork & Quilting (below). I didn't pay any attention to value, just to color, but I'm happy with it so far. It's completely free-pieced. That's what I like about these swaps - just trying out new things!


jovaliquilts said...

So much fun!!! I like it a lot. Happy springtime!

jacquie said...

This is so cute...and free pieced too. WOW!

Tonya Ricucci said...

wheee, so much fun.

Brenda said...

I really like this. Interesting that freepiecing has hit the magazines. I'll check it out.

Libby said...

They look great - your partner will be so happy *s*

Clare said...

Great fun!

Quiltdivajulie said...

What fun... love your version!

susan said...

it really is so lovely

susan said...

geez now i need to go see if i can find that magazine still on the stands! i love your version and i think i ran across the other one on flickr too

Kim said...

I think your quilt swap project is very fun! I love these wonky potted flowers, so fun and whimsical. :)

Lisa Wootens said...

I love how you experimented with different colors in this quilt.