Thursday, June 19, 2008


I've been busy in the kitchen this week, but have some very colorful shopping that I thought might be worth posting. Marimekko has been having a big sale here and these found their way home with me yesterday. (Some were only 6€ a meter!)

I also found myself in Vörå with a friend in need of a coffee. There must have been 200 handicraft shops in this little village (ok, we saw 5, but 200 is a good number - have you entered my 200th post give-away?) and we decided to check out one. I came away this Norwegian yarn (mostly a gift for my mom, but I'll probably save a couple skeins for myself) - also on sale!

Glad Midsommar!


Unknown said...

Marimekko sale, sounds like heaven!

dot said...

Oh it all looks so good. You are a very lucky girl. I like/love the the fabric. Do I need say it again, you are a very lucky girl.

jacquie said...

I can only dream of finding Marimekko on sale if I can find it at all. Lucky duck!

sewkalico said...

Gorgeous fabrics!

Libby said...

Hmmmm - wonder what those fabrics will show up in *s*