Sunday, March 30, 2008

I was very naughty yesterday

My quilt group here is having a challenge to do with the earth/environmentalism, so with that as a pretence, I went to some thrift stores yesterday with a friend. My family is also trying to have a homemade/recycled/thrifted Christmas, so I picked up a couple more beer glasses for my brother's collection, as well as some striped cotton pillow cases to use for bindings. The naughty part comes with the big purchase I made. I'll post photos once I have it here in my apartment, but here's a preview...

Other than the shopping, not much time for sewing since the bags and the monster. Still working on knitting my little squares when I have a free moment, and halfway done with my Four Seasons Swap quilt.

I saw some more great theater here in Vaasa this week - went back to the final performance of Hamlet, since it was so great the first time, and saw Peer Gynt, as well. I loved how they used a huge piece of fabric to conjure up the varied settings - including Norwegian mountains, the sea, and sand dunes of North Africa.


Anonymous said...

Ah, the theatre, jealous - haven't been for months!

I've got no idea what your new purchase is!

Lappeklipp said...

Hi Hedgehog, I´m glad that you enjoy´d the Peer Gynt. We had a great deal of work making the huge piece of fabric to hold. It´s very thin silk and we have been repairing it time and again.
Tikkakoski manufactures weapons, I hope that´s not your purchase!!!!!!
Have a great week.

Libby said...

I don't have a real guess on your purchase, but I'm intrigued by what looks like a needle in the bird *hmmmm*