Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Group Effort

For Kate's Another Little Quilt Swap, I decided to use some blocks I won in one of her great raffles last fall. As I recall, she made them for Quilt Univerity's Ozark Garden course. I checked with Kate to be sure it wouldn't be cheating and have put both of our names on the label. The quilt will be on its way tomorrow morning, so I hope the recipient doesn't mind if she sees it here first - of course, she still doesn't know who she is! The quilt was a great piece for practicing my free-motion quilting - I think I've nearly quilted it to death. Here's a close-up:

My Four Seasons Summer quilt was near completion, but it seems to want an added touch before heading out the door and across the water, but I'm not saying which body of water! This photo inspired the addition:

Speaking of bodies of water, I headed over the Gulf of Bothnia last week (there by plane, back by boat) and spent a long weekend in gorgeous Stockholm. I hadn't been there in twelve years and am asking all my friends to stage an intervention if I ever wait that long again. One highlight was meeting Barbara in person! We had a wonderful afternoon (and a delicious meal) at her home about 100 km west of Stockholm. I'll leave you with a few more photos of the weekend (unfortunately, Barbara and I didn't think to take any photos of our visit).


Vicki W said...

What a terrific little quilt!

sewkalico said...

Wow! Love your ALQS!

Kate North said...

looks great - in theory, I should have been able to do something like that myself with those blocks, though I never would have done, I would have just stuck them in a box somewhere...

jovaliquilts said...

That little quilt is great! I'll have to check out that QU course. Your quilting is a great addition.

Love that next-to-last photo, too. Is that a quilt? Or a painting?

Unknown said...

I think the quilt escaped from death and just looks beautiful, your quilting adds life to the quilt.

jmb_craftypickle said...

the quilt is beautiful....but the pictures!!! I remember most of those places from my trip last fall. What a great place! I loved that mural...the colors and shapes are so pretty.

Libby said...

Looks like just the perfect amount of quilting from here *s* I'm sure it will be very happy in its new home.

Mom said...

I'm cheating, Jen...I REALLY want your ALQS quilt. I love it and the fantastic quilting!!! ...please...!