My mailbox has been quite full the past couple days! In no particular order...

First, a delayed-but-worth-the-wait swap quilt from Cheryl in Florida. The work is gorgeous and she used two of my very favorite colors, green and orange. I need to find a special place for this quilt!

Next, my triptych for the
6-12" mini quilt swap from Chelsea in Washington State. I just love the combination of knitted and quilted textiles. Another work that deserves a special place! I really hope I can get mine out to her before the end of the month!

And finally, a totally unexpected and incredibly generous package from a friend, including hand-painted yarns from
Dancing Leaf Farm in Maryland and several knitting, quilting, and news magazines!
I'm heading south tomorrow, then north on Sunday for a short trip. I hope to have some nice photos to share when I'm back!