I was distracted a bit longer than I expected! The price dropped, so I had to buy some more strawberries, and then finding apricots proved difficult, but not impossible.
This recipe received rave reviews last year, so I was determined to make it again this year. Between all the cleaning, slicing, boiling, etc., there was also some knitting going on. I love the
new Novita yarns, so I'm trying to use up some stash before I buy the new stuff. I did give in and buy one skein of the lakka (
cloudberry) already. I love the berry names - there's also puolukka (lingonberry) and mustikka (blueberry). Yum. Need to wait a while until those are ready for jam making...

In the meantime, it's back to the sewing machine. I finished piecing this top today. (Sorry for the blurry photo - I
just took it and although there's still some light, it's not exactly midsummer anymore!) I started this quilt nearly three years ago! I'm thinking of doing some very simple quilting - just wavy (oceany) lines across the surface. First, though, I want to quilt the
Q4L top that's already basted and to finish a small hand quilted project. Back to work!