I'm just bursting with ideas for quilts with letters now!! I was dreaming about them last night. I gave a lecture on geography of the US today and had to rush home to start a new project. I moved a LOT as a kid and seem to have continued as an adult so far. I thought I'd make a quilt for myself with places where I've lived. Stay tuned - it's going to be a long list of places! (And don't worry, I haven't abandoned the fishy letters, either.)
May Britt asked people to post seasonal quilts. After spending so much of the summer near the Arctic Circle, I no longer know what my favorite season is. I will post a photo of fall, though.

This soup is fall to me. I found the recipe on this awesome Estonian food blog. I've made quite a few of her recipes, but I'm not sure if I've linked to her blog before. I made these for a party two weekends ago, this savory pie in July for another party at my place, and this jam for some gifts back in May. Check it out (especially if you love beets and berries like I do!)
Great idea for a quilt! Can't wait to see it...I've lived a lot of places, but I bet you've lived in more!!
I love your letters, you aren’t a monster at all!! Great idea to make a quilt of!
you've been busy! Love those letters! And it's a great idea- I would love to have a long, quilted list of the places I have traveled!
What a great idea for a quilt. I have enjoyed seeing all the different 'word' quilts . . . just need to decide what it is I want to say *s*
The trouble is once you start you can't stop and ideas start coming. I've started getting them down on paper (or computer) before I forget. Cutting my 3rd letter quilt and designing the 4th. Thanks for the link to the "corners" site on your last post. So much easier that a tube.
What a fabulous idea. I love it. oh, and did I create a monster? Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!
I knew that was Borscht - my bubbie would be proud! (Do you add sour cream?) I did not read the recipe... So I will ask 2 more questions... hot or cold? do you add raw veggies like cucumber? I have had this so many ways... I like it cold like a salad with cucumber & sour cream. :o)
Well that soup sure looks interesting! Saying 'I lived in Vaasa' has got a certain cache you know! Glad you're enjoying the letters!
Love the new letter projects - you have definately been bitten by the letter 'bug'!!!
Thought the bowl contained a summer fruit pudding until I read the wording :)
These words are great - they certainly are addictive. Making a quilt of all the places you've lived is a great idea.
Must be the food that gives you the healthy inspiration -- can't wait to see the final product...
The letters are swirling around, in your dreams and in your quilts. Great idea, it will be interesting to see the quilt you will make.
Thank you for your kind words about my foodblog, dear Hedgehog!!!
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